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Coach Mike's Screenplay & Movie Review

Fellow writers and movie fans...I think we can all agree that Hollywood has taken a turn towards higher revenues and lower quality films. However, who is to blame? Producers, directors, writers? Remember, the movie business is a business. Let's discuss how to make better films without losing money and let us start with the screenplay. I encourage discussions on novel/comic book adaptation, coverage, funding, as well as want ads. Please post in the appropriate section and be civil at all times.

Location: Yurtowne, United States

An active Producer/screenwriter, he is interested is helping writers execute better scripts and elevate the quality of produced properties.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Iraq & Writers

Does the war in Iraq affect the way we write; good, bad, ugly...not at all? Will history prove this to be a time of inspired art or of pure financial opportunism? Share your thoughts.


Blogger coachmike said...

Production companies seem to be flooding the screen with MOW's, cable shows, reality shows, and movies with stories related to Iraq. These have to come from somewhere...the writer? Are these scripts that have been on the shelf, dusted off and re-worked or are producers and directors asking for these?

War time has historically been a propserous time for our nation and I guess that the entertainment industry is no different.

The macro view for me is, this is not healthy for the country and bent stories, especially ones that try to show our government as a dark and malevolent force, are devicive.

The micro view however, is one of the screenwriter. If I had an opportunity to sell or was asked to write something along these lines, would I? And the answer is yes, I would. So, I guess I am part of the problem & solution, I guess we all are.

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes independent films are the only way we have an opportunity to see a different angle of what's going on in Iraq and any war for that matter. The main stream media isn't government controlled, but I'm sure they are government assisted.

9:46 AM  

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