yahoo_authkey_bb3eabce7c550ed6.txt 4224b428b4e2d1e1 Coach Mike's Screenplay & Movie Review: August 2006

Coach Mike's Screenplay & Movie Review

Fellow writers and movie fans...I think we can all agree that Hollywood has taken a turn towards higher revenues and lower quality films. However, who is to blame? Producers, directors, writers? Remember, the movie business is a business. Let's discuss how to make better films without losing money and let us start with the screenplay. I encourage discussions on novel/comic book adaptation, coverage, funding, as well as want ads. Please post in the appropriate section and be civil at all times.

Location: Yurtowne, United States

An active Producer/screenwriter, he is interested is helping writers execute better scripts and elevate the quality of produced properties.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Latino Writers & Filmmakers...where are you?

The largest growing demographic group in the US. Soon to be the largest influx of monies into the economy. Latin artists need to be represented on the screen. We've heard of Robert Rodriguez, but why is he almost completely alone? Are Latino writers, directors, and producers not taken seriously and why?

El grupo demográfico cada vez mayor más grande de los Estados Unidos y pronto ser el contribuidor más grande del dinero en la economía. Los artistas de Latino necesitan ser representados en la pantalla. Hemos oído hablar de Roberto Rodriguez. ¿Por qué está él casi totalmente solo? ¿No consideran a los escritores, a los directores, y a los productores de Latino serios y porqué?

Film Funding

Discussion on film funding. How hard it is to get funded, why that is. Post your questions and/or advice here.

Movie Reviews

Post movie reviews here. Be specific, fair, and critical. Share ideas on how to make the film(s) better. We can't make better movies without discussing what is good and bad about currently produced movies.

The links below will guide you to movie reviews at the News Blaze.

Wicker Man Review
Hoodwinked Review
Zathura Review
Wolf Creek Review
Broke Back Mountain Review

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Comic Book Adaptations...are they good for the movies?

Comic books and graphic novels are being bought up by the hundreds to adapt into screenplays. Is this good for the industry or do filmmakers water cutting edge content down to make it palatable for movie goers?

i.e. Wolverine and Batman both lose their darker sides in the movies.

Screenplays Wanted...writers wanted!

If you are looking for a screenplay or a writer for work, please post it here. Include correct contact information.

Who is to blame for bad movies? Producers, directors, writers?

Most bad movies in my opinion start with a bad script. Good stories with bad execution are still bad screenplays. You can't shine a turd no matter how good a director you hire or how large a budget you have.
